Innovation Eco-System

With 200 innovation stakeholders and counting: Hamburg offers a variety of innovation units, co-working spaces, labs and hubs across all suburbs. 

Let’s connect to innovate together!






VRHQ Virtual Reality Headquarters Hamburg


HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration


CoWork Rocks



Corporate Unit

Sparkassen Innovation Hub


Gesundheitswirtschaft Hamburg

Risk Capital

BANEW Business Angels Netzwerk Elbe-Weser


Next Logistics Accelerator




OFFICE ONE Winterhude

Risk Capital


Who is innovating in Hamburg?


Accelerators offer fix-term, cohort-based structured programs for start-ups to prepare their products or services for potential investments.


Authorities most often innovate by issuing funding, loans, or invitations for tenders. Projects often lead to institutions that continue the general rationale behind the initial project.

Co-Working Spaces

Co-working spaces are shared office facilities that enable co-workers to rent small office spaces, a fixed or flex/hot desk, and share infrastructure within the facility to reduce office costs and foster a co-working community.

Innovation Communities

A community is a group of members that share a commonality and are connected by social media, a physical location, and /or a fixed program.


Consulting companies help their clients with professional experts by providing advice on purposeful activities, transferring knowledge, take on workload in projects.


Corporate units are fostering innovation within a company by e.g. performing entrepreneurial activities as intrapreneurs, partner with start-ups (venture clienting), or scout start-ups or individuals to acquire.

Educational Institutions

Education facilities and offerings span across universities and similar institutions as well as non-degree and online offerings.

Innovation Hubs

Hubs offer central consolidation of various activities, protagonists, or stakeholders within an industry branch, a geographical region, or main purpose the actors have in common.


Incubators provide a platform for entrepreneurs who want to test their business ideas, find founding team members and partners for cooperation.

Industry-specific Labs

Labs are playgrounds for building and testing out new business ideas, products, and services.


NGOs are non-governmental organizations that are formed independently from the government as non-profit organizations.

Risk Capital, VCs

Risk Capital refers to funds assigned to speculative activities executed by entrepreneurs and start-ups.

Company Builder

Company Builder strategically build companies with founders in residence either as stand alone units or corporate units.

Start Ups

Start-Ups are young companies that offer products and/or services in a market with high uncertenty leading to a higher risk.

With the various amount of existing innovation units, stakeholders and players, we already have everything in place in Hamburg to form a seamless innovation eco-system, where all stakeholders benefit from one another and contribute to the overall eco-system with their existing and connected offerings:

Innovator's Journey

How do the innovation stakeholders work together? Most innovation journeys make use of some or even all of the steps displayed below. From starting with educating young innovators, incubating ideas and staffing the team to experimenting and accelerating the business model to found a start-up or spin-off that seeks risk capital – the vision of Innovators.Hamburg is to combine the existing innovation stakeholders to an overall innovation eco-system by both bridging and filling the gaps.

Innovators.Hamburg Innovation Eco-System

Connecting the Innovation Eco-System

Innovators.Hamburg is the go-to source for finding and connecting with innovators and innovation units in Hamburg, Germany. Browse the map to find the best locations near you like Innovation Hubs, Labs or Co-Working Spaces. Reach the next step of your innovation journey by joining an Incubator or Accelerator program or even find Risk Capital an VCs. Looking fo a Corporate Innovation Unit to partner with or land your dream job? We’ve got you covered. 
Any place missing on the map? Reach out to us or even add the place on your own.

Eco-System Partners

Innovators.Hamburg Team

Jean-Luc Winkler

Head of Innovation & Strategy | CTO

Jean-Luc enables corporates to design and successfully run their corporate innovation units. He is experienced in venture building as well as digital business models. Besides lecturing intrapreneurship and digital product development, he acts as a sparring partner for start-ups.

Franziska Luh

Founder & Managing Director - Innovation Strategy

Franziska has helped corporates to understand human needs as well as societal and technical trends in order to create new product ideas and strategies for over 15 years. Her core expertise lies in developing growth strategies as well as leading and accelerating innovation processes. She has built two companies and three start-ups herself.

Daniel Buttjes

Growth Lead Scaleups

Daniel contributes his strong expertise in startups and scaleups and is the first point of contact for temporary developers, faster scaling for technology/coding platforms and the sustainable growth of organizations.

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Hamburg has one of the richest, yet least connected innovation eco-systems in Germany. Let's change this together!